”Kristine’s classes make me feel like a new person

inside and out.”

— Darcy Soper

What people are saying


Private Lessons

Each 55 minute solo session, in person or virtually, will cater the Pilates Method to your specific needs using a variety of equipment and props. With Kristine’s keen eye and undivided attention, each session will assist you in progressing toward your individual goals while simultaneously gaining strength, ease and efficiency throughout your entire body.


Group Classes

Whether doing Pilates Mat exercises or moving with the Pilates spring loaded equipment, every 55 minute Pilates class develops control of your body by increasing your muscular power & endurance without body fatigue.

Whether you are hauling groceries out of your car, doing yard work or walking up and down the stairs, the benefits of Pilates will be noticeable to you as you make your way through any daily activity with strength and ease.